April 20, 2015





At Finell, we love design and food. So when we met Pinch Food Design during our 2014 launch at the NY Now gift fair, it was a perfect match.

Pinch Food Design, led by the groundbreaking chef/designer duo of Bob Spiegel and TJ Girard, is a bold new brand of catering powered by a state-of-the-art kitchen and design workshop devoted solely to the creation of one-of-a-kind “food furniture.” We are excited to share our recent chat with TJ and Bob of Pinch, where we talk about their first Cookbook Inspired Bites, and got to learn some of their great serving tips and secrets.

Describe Pinch Food Design in 5 words.
Delicious, Delightful, Memorable, Thoughtful, Fun

Pinch_beet red

You reveal trade secrets in your new book, Inspired Bites. Can you share one with us?
Instead of looking down at the food, get guests looking up at the room and each other. Don’t be afraid of change the vantage point of service by suspending platters from chandeliers, etc.


We love entertaining, but we know that it never goes as smoothly as planned. How did you save a potential party disaster?
Teamwork. Assessing the issues and working together to find a quick solution…

You are known for your unique and imaginative ways for displaying food. Of all your food design displays, which one causes the biggest reaction?
Our Balloon POP UP – Where we float food from an oversized bouquet of white sphere helium balloons.

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When you discovered FINELL at NY Now, the first words you said to us were “I found my people!” What was it about our products that drew you in?
The innovative product shapes and angles.  The refined mix of food safe materials – glass, walnut, silicone, polished stainless steel….  The overall thoughtfulness and emphasis on function.



We are the number one offender of guilty pleasure foods. What’s yours?
Anything with melted cheese on top!

Just for fun, if you could design a toothpaste, what flavor would it be?
Clementine/Passionfruit- Fresh, Energetic, and zesty!



"We have nothing against conventional catering. It’s just not what we do. As top-tier NYC culinary veterans with extensive experience in event catering, we believe our clients deserve a taste of something new and unpredictable, an experience that leverages the best food with never-before-seen presentation. So we created Pinch Food Design, a bold new brand of catering powered by a state-of-the-art kitchen and design workshop devoted solely to the creation of one-of-a-kind “food furniture.” Our intention? To impress, entertain and inspire with food as delicious as it is daring, and design as inviting as it is innovative.  Led by the groundbreaking chef/designer duo of Bob Spiegel and TJ Girard, the Pinch team is driven by an uncompromising commitment to incite surprise, anticipation and delight with every bite while wowing our clients – and their guests – with imaginative presentation combinations that redefine the art of celebration.” read more

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